Your Donation Helps Suffolk County Communities.
Tax ID: 54-0629691
It is your donation that keep our community visions alive. Monies can be donated to the EOC of Suffolk, Inc. then fully dispersed between our programs. We thank you for your generosity.
One-Time Donation
There are other ways you can provide program support without a longtime commitment. Consider making a one-time donation to the agency or to a specific program of your choice. No amount is too small; it all adds up!
Sustaining Supporter
Consider becoming a Sustaining Supporter of the Economic Opportunity Council of Suffolk, Inc. (EOC) by donating monthly.
It’s easy. We will simply automatically charge your credit card each month. Your ongoing support allows EOC to grow our programming all year long. You probably won’t even notice the charge, but the people we serve, and their families, will truly notice the benefits.
United Way
If your workplace is a United Way participant, you can support the EOC of Suffolk by way of a directed donation via payroll deductions. Please make sure to designate the Economic Opportunity Council of Suffolk, Inc., spelling out the full name of the agency.
To make an offline donation, please follow these steps:
Economic Opportunity Council of Suffolk, Inc.
31 West Main Street, Suite 300
Patchogue, NY 11772
Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!
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