Your partner in wellness, every step of the way, empowering communities, transforming health for more positive health outcomes.

EOC of Suffolk, Inc.’s Targeted Prevention and Supportive Service Program is professional, effective and compassionate. The program maintains a warm, inviting atmosphere where individuals are treated with respect and dignity, and privacy and trust are top priorities. All services are confidential and free.

HIV Navigation

  • Support Groups for individuals who are living with HIV
  • Free OraQuick HIV Self-Test Kits (Scan the QR code below to complete the kit request form)
  • Linkage to STI/HCV Testing **Linkages available for PrEP/PEP
  • Community outreach services Risk Reduction Interventions for Individuals and Groups
  • Transportation Services available for individuals who are living with HIV
  • Consumer Advisory Board for individuals who are living with HIV Advocacy **Linkage to Entitlement Services
  • Linkage to Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Linkage to Mental Health Services
  • Assistance available for Housing Application & Services
  • Linkage to Legal Services Health & Wellness Education
    Linkage to medical care and treatment
  • Linkages available for PrEP
  • Community outreach services Risk Reduction Interventions for Individuals and Groups
  • Transportation Services for individuals who are living with HIV

For more information on HIV testing, Call (631) 968-8000.

For more information on Supportive Services, contact Jesse Dorrian at (631)968-8000 Ext. 649.


National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS
The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is an annual HIV awareness campaign that mobilizes faith communities; and highlights the contributions and impact congregations are making in areas of HIV prevention, testing, direct service, advocacy and community engagement.

For more information on the national campaign, contact Cierra Bosshart 631-968-8000 ext. 623 /

Charles B. Randall Counseling Center

320 Carleton Avenue, Suite 7800, 7th Floor, Central Islip, NY 11722

Work Phone: (631) 968-8000


The purpose of the Ryan White Part B Support Services Program is to offer critical support to individuals living with HIV or AIDS.  The program provides a range of services, including medical transportation for non-Medicaid eligible individuals, housing advocacy, and one-time emergency financial assistance for essential needs such as utilities, medication not covered by ADAP, and food.  It aims to improve access to necessary healthcare and stabilize living conditions for eligible residents of Suffolk County, helping them manage their health and well-being effectively. 

EOC Administrative Office

31 West Main Street, Suite 300, 3rd Floor, Patchogue, NY 11772

Work Phone: (631) 289-2124

Chronic Health Care Coordination

The Chronic Health Care Coordination program helps individuals manage their health, behavioral health, and social needs in a comprehensive manner. The goal is to ensure that individuals receive the care necessary to stay healthy, out of the emergency room, and out of the hospital.

Individuals may be eligible for the Chronic Health Care Coordination program if they are receiving health coverage through Medicaid and have two or more chronic illness such as:

  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Hepatitis C
  • Obesity
  • Substance Abuse

Individuals only need one of the following chronic diagnosis to be eligible for the program:

  • Mental Health

Charles B. Randall Counseling Center

320 Carleton Avenue, Suite 7800, 7th Floor, Central Islip, NY 11722

Work Phone: (631) 968-8000

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Our mission is to promote a goal of self-sufficiency by broadening the minds of children, revitalizing communities, and assisting families and children in need through the provision of services and to coordinate available federal, state, local and private resource.

Contact Us

31 West Main Street, Suite 300 Patchogue, NY 11772


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