Assistance & Informational
Substance Misuse & Treatment Information
Public Access To Social Services Programs
Suffolk County Department of Social Service (DSS) provides monthly Temporary Assistance (TA) to eligible individuals or families as well as programs for one time emergency needs. The Food Stamps Program (FS) can help low income households purchase food items. Applications for these programs can be obtained at one of the DSS Centers (see below) Monday – Friday from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Since the centers serve different Zip Codes, see TA/FS site guide for the office serving your area.
For application information call:
Coram Center: 631-854-2300
Riverhead Center: 631-852-3560 / 3566
Smithtown Center: 631-853-8714
South Shore Center: 631-854-6600
Wyandanch Center: 631-854-1800
Persons receiving Temporary Assistance or Food Stamps can call the Undercare Team in their Center:
Coram: 631-854-2184, 2185
Recertification questions: 631-854-2187
Riverhead: 631-852-3500, 3501, 3502
Recertification questions: 631-852-3504
Smtihtown: 631-853-8752, 8753
Recertification questions: 631-853-8751
South Shore: 631-854-6630, 6631
Recertification questions: 631-854-6635
Wyandanch: 631-854-1816, 1818(All Cases)
Recertification questions: 631-854-1817
Housing Resources
Public Access to Social Services Programs
In Need of Social Security Disability Benefits? Follow the links below for a guide and tool to help understand social security disability benefits and eligibility. This guide will assist in answering how to qualify for, and features a calculator that can help estimate monthly and annual benefits.
Need Help Applying For Services?
Contact Your Local 211Commissioner’s Response Unit:
631-854-9935 / 9936
During normal working hours, callers can obtain information on Social Services Programs or request intervention regarding their own application or active case.
Emergency Services:
Handles all emergencies throughout the County at night, on weekends, and holidays. The unit typically responds to the following emergencies: child protective referrals (sex abuse, physical abuse, neglect, abandonment, etc.), fuel problems, adult protective crises, housing needs.
Fair Hearings:
A Fair Hearing is an administrative appeal process conducted before a New York State Administrative Law Judge and is used most often when individuals believe their case was improperly denied, closed, or their benefits were incorrectly calculated or reduced. Upon receipt of an official “Notice of Intent” specifying the action the agency intends to take, an applicant/recipient or his/her authorized representative can request a Fair Hearing by calling 1-800-342-3334. Everyone is encouraged to request a conference with a supervisor before seeking a Fair Hearing. The “Notice of Intent” contains the telephone number to call for such a conference.
Welfare Fraud Hotline:
631-854-9815 / 9807
To report welfare fraud, contact the Special Investigations Unit’s Hotline.
If there are no funds available from private resources, the Department of Social Services covers basic burial costs for Temporary Assistance recipients, stillborn infants or any other person found dead in the County who is not under the jurisdiction of another social service district. Approval prior to finalization with Funeral Home is required.
Assets and Resources:
Former and current clients can obtain pay-off figures for liens that were taken on their homes when they were receiving Temporary Assistance.
Medicaid Application Assistance for the Aged, Blind and Disabled:
Long Island’s population of aged, blind, and disabled now has access to local certified enrollers to help them apply for the appropriate public insurance/assistance program(s). The Consumer Assistance for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled program is overseen by the Suffolk County Department of Social Services, which subcontracts with the Nassau-Suffolk Hospital Council to provide in-person application assistance at convenient locations throughout Suffolk and Nassau counties. Click here for more information.
SUFFOLK 311 is a non-emergency call center and self-service portal designed to provide residents with a centralized point of contact for county services, information, and non-emergency issues. If you have an emergency please call 9-1-1
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