Web Privacy Policy
Economic Opportunity Council of Suffolk, Inc. respects the privacy of visitors to its Web site. We strongly believe that if electronic commerce and online activities are to flourish, consumers must be assured that information provided online is used responsibly and appropriately. To protect online privacy, the organization has implemented the following policy.
About the Information We Collect – Most of the data and information we collect through our website is used only to help us achieve our mission. It is our policy to collect and store only personal information that our clients knowingly provide.
Customer Lists – Our client list is not for sale. When you visit our website or become a client, your name and mailing information will not be sold to a commercial organization.
Credit Card Account Information – We utilize secure transaction methods when collecting credit card information over the Internet. Economic Opportunity Council of Suffolk, Inc. does not disclose credit card account information provided by our clients. We submit the information to the appropriate clearinghouse in order to obtain payment.
How We Use Cookies – Cookies are small text files that are sent to your computer when you logon to a Web site that allow us to identify you when you return to the site. Economic Opportunity Council of Suffolk, Inc. uses cookies only to support the operations of our shopping cart. We do not use cookies to track your usage or any other personal information about you.
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